About Debs

Hi there!  I'm Debs from Debra's Book Cafe.  Apart from featuring on this fantatic blog and YouTube collab, you can find me at:

My Blog:  http://debrasbookcafe.blogspot.com/
My You Tube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/DebrasBookCafe
My Twitter:  http://twitter.com/#!/Debrasbookcafe
My Goodreads:    http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/3948887-debra

Q - What is your name and how old are you? 
A - My name is Debra and I am 29 years old.

Q - Where were you born?
A - I was born and raised in Suffolk, England, and love it here so much I never want to leave......

Q - First 'real' book I remember reading.
A - The first real book I remember reading, from start to finish I think was Freaky Friday by Mary Rogers and that was back in Middle School (aged around 10).

Q - Have you always loved books?
A - For as long as I can remember, yes.  I have a really crap memory but can remember as far back as to when I was old enough to be let out on my own to wander around the village I used to live in.  Every Saturday, my mum used to go over to my grandmothers to help with housekeeping etc and I used to wander down to the local library and spend hours choosing books that I would read that week and then return the following Saturday...  I was very much a shy person when I was growing up and although I did have friends that I hung around with, I did also enjoy spending hours on end by myself reading, writing and watching movies.

Q - Have you ever taken part in any reading competitions?
A - About the same time as I was going to the local library every Saturday when I was about 10 or 11, they had annual competitions where you had to read a certain amount of books and then you get a certificate at the end.  I did that a few year running until I was too old for the competition.  I loved it!  

Q - What made you start reading?
A - To be honest with you, I am not sure.  I guess I have always been very bookish, even from a very early age.  I love stationery, paper, pens and what I love more is words whether it is written on the page already or to be written.   

Q - Who are your favourite authors? 
A - Nicholas Sparks, Jodi Picoult, Cathy Glass, Kate Morton and Cecelia Ahern.  I have only limited myself to five authors but I am adding to this all the time!

Q - What are your top five favourite books of all time? 
A -  Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks, The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks, Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult, The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton and If you could see me now by Cecelia Ahern.

Q - Who are your top five male celebrity crushes?
A - George Clooney, Matthew Perry, Kevin Costner, Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys and AJ McLean from the Backstreet Boys (I am a HUGE Backstreet Boys fan!)

Q - Who are your top five favourite bands/singers?
A - Backstreet Boys, Richard Marx, Michael Buble, Take That and Frank Sinatra.  

Q - What are your five favourite movies of all time? 
A - Message in a Bottle, The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Anchorman and The 40 Year old Virgin.

Q - What are your five favourite TV shows of all time? 
A - Friends, Frasier, Will and Grace, Roseanne and Lost.

Q - What are your hobbies, not including reading?
A - I love watching movies and TV shows, going shopping, long distance walking, hanging out with friends and listening to music.

Q - Who are your favourite male and female characters in the books you have read so far? 
A - I would have to say for the male character I would choose Landon Carter from A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks.  I loved the way the character went through such a dramatic change of personality and attitude towards live that I really admired in a character.  For a female character, I would have to say Jamie Sullivan also from A Walk to Remember because of all the strength she had and such believe in herself and others that it makes me want to be a better person than I already am.

Q - Team Edward or Team Jacob?
A - I have to admit that I am fairly new to the Twilight books, having only read the first book and watched Twilight and New Moon on DVD.  I did hear a lot about Team Edward -v- Team Jacob and never really understood what that meant until I watched the first two movies.  I am definitely 100% Team Jacob.  To me, so far, Jacob has done nothing to put Bella in danger, he has always tried to protect her.  With Edward, even though he has the best of intentions, one slip and Bella could be lunch - either by him or by one of his family or by a fellow vampire....   This is just where my mind is at, at the moment.  All could change when I read the next instalment!

Q -  How long do you give a book to know whether you like it or not? 
A - I usually like to give each book a fighting chance.  I try to read about 50 pages in but if I am really not feeling the story I will put it to one side and try again later.

Q - Do you crack the spine?
A - Yes.  I know it makes it all 'liney' when I have finished reading it and it goes back on my bookshelf but I just can't help myself!

Q - Hardcover or Paperback?
A - Paperback, definitely!  Much easier to hold when reading and you can store it in your bag when taking it places.

Q - Do covers influence you?
A - Yes, completely.  If the book has a dodgy cover, I may not be as quick to pick it up.  If it one that has been recommended to me or has good reviews, I will pick it up and read the back. 

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