About Blair

You can find me here:

Q - What is your name and how old are you? 
A – My name is Blair Mirth and I am 21 years old

Q - Where were you born?
A -  Cherry picking town, country in Australia [Young N.S.W]

Q - First 'real' book I remember reading.
A – I think the first book I recall reading was actually one of those golden books, either that or Spot the Dog. He is so damn adorable.

Q - Have you always loved books?
A – Yes, I cannot remember when my obsession started but my parents always supported my love for reading as we were a big reading family. I went two years on and off reading, and when I read one book the entire year I decided enough was enough. I live to read.

Q - Have you ever taken part in any reading competitions?
A – All the time. Sometimes I don’t complete them, but I sure as hell give it a go.

Q - What made you start reading?
A - Escapism, that and I loved the pleasure of reading. No one can replicate that pleasure for you. It was something of my own and also something I could share with my sister.

Q - Who are your favourite authors? 
A – Richelle Mead, Monica McInerney, Becca Fitzpatrick, Melissa De La Cruz, Stephenie Perkins, Christine Feehan, J.R.Ward, Doreen Virtue, Janet Evanovich, Dia Reeves, Simon Holt, Melissa Marr and many, many more

Q - What are your top five favourite books of all time? 
A -  To be honest I read a lot of books and I am sure I have many I liked growing up as well. So I have no idea what are my top five favourite books. I have way to many favourites and besides that’s like asking who is my favourite child.

Q - Who are your top five male celebrity crushes?
A- I don’t tend to go for male celebrities, so in this case I’m going to have to go with Ellen page.I did however used to have a crush on Gale Harold and Randy Harrison.

Q - Who are your top five favourite bands/singers?
A -.   Switchfoot, Daughty,Esthro,Imogen Heap, Dandy Warhols [at the moment]

Q - What are your five favourite movies of all time? 
Anything Ellen Page. Matilda, Julie and Julia

Q - What are your five favourite TV shows of all time? 
A – The L word, Outrageous Fortune, Hustle, Castle and Skins

Q - What are your hobbies, not including reading?
A – Scrapbooking, Card-Making, Cooking, Shopping and Writing

Q - Who are your favourite male and female characters in the books you have read so far? 
A- Too many that it makes my head spin. They feel like extended family and friends.

Q - Team Edward or Team Jacob?
A – Jacob, hands down. I loved getting to know him throughout the series; especially in New Moon.

Q -  How long do you give a book to know whether you like it or not? 
A -  100 pages. Sometimes not even that. There are way too many books to be read, so why waste time trudging through something you don’t like?

Q - Do you crack the spine?
A -  I try not to because I am a perfectionist when it comes to my books, but if it was a used book and has that plastic library paper on it, oh man it is so satisfying to hear that crack [yes I am strange and I own it]

Q - Hardcover or Paperback?
A –  It depends on the reading mood, the way it is produced [I hate dense paper backs and I dislike heavy and uncomfortable hardbacks] at the best of time Paperbacks would win hands down.

Q - Do covers influence you?
A – Hell yes. I am a sucker for a lovely cover. I have so many different loves of cover style. Sometimes I like simplistic and others lots of colour. I love artwork and anything that screams read- me- right- now.


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